Tuesday, January 26, 2010

fulfillment in life

So today I had some thoughts about life. Fullfillment of life. What does that mean? Answering to a call? Fullfilling a goal? Undertaking certain activities? The attitude towards life? Filling life with satisfying activities? Fullfillment of life? Wat does that look like? Living by rules? Following the heart? Living by reason? Going with the flow? Pursuing what you value? Receiving what is offered to you?

And how is God related to all these things? It is often said that God can only give true fulfillment of life. He fills the void in our existence it is said.

The bible says that Jesus was the fulfillment of the law. Did he answer to a call? Did he fulfill a goal? What was he undertaking? What was his attitude towards life... maybe even, what was his attitude towards death. What did his life look like. Did he live by rules? Did he follow his heart? Did he live by reason? Did he go with the flow? What values did he pursue? What did he receive what was offered to him?

How can men connect to Jesus and to God? God is already connected to me. He gave promises that will be fulfilled. Is that the answer? Finding fulfillment in the promises of God...

Finding fulfillment in the promises of God. That sounds so vague and out there. Yet also very clear and simple.

I find fulfillment in my life through the promises of God

Monday, January 25, 2010


Random fact: Het afgelopen jaar zijn in Nederland volgens voorlopige cijfers ruim 1,3 miljoen fietsen verkocht. De omzet komt naar verwachting uit op zo'n 950 miljoen euro, een stijging van 4 procent ten opzichte van 2008. (www.nu.nl)

Working and living

So today I went to Yiti. We have a camp there. Eleven o' clock we left and it was an hour and a halve drive through a really nice hilly area. Every turn we took (there were many sharp turns) surprised us with a new view, like donkeys on the middle of the road. The hills are also kind of greenish now because of the moderate temperature (27 degrees celsius) and it just makes things look so much more alive. It is also really good being out of the office. Sadly enough, and also kind of ironically, it is just is such a bad place for working effectively. Though I must say that it is getting better, I feel much less stressed than I did before.
Having said that (or actually typed that) I am actually seeing more the challenges in my work. And I am seeking more to face the things that I found hard before. An example is my graduation project. That was a great source of procrastination. Good thing is that after my holiday in America I found a renewed focus. I am happy that I see now that that is my reason for being hear and I am determined to succeed! Really that makes me happy and I actually see myself graduating in an odd 5 months. Looking forward I also don't really worry about working anymore. I was afraid before for working life and not knowing what I would be doing, but I'll be fine. Keeping that in mind and also believing that God is guiding makes me feel happy.
Now the next couple of days I will be busy prepare myself mentally for the process of starting to develop our own HACCP plan and prepare also for the meeting with an HACCP consultant.
Of everything I have learned already this whole HACCP thing seems to be the most practically valuable subject. With the training that I had I can really see this as a big challenge for the coming months...

Well talk to y'all later, I am going to bed! I'll post some pictures again soon.

Friday, January 22, 2010


I just watched Bruno tonight. It was very provocative, disturbing, embarrassing, profound, good and bad mixed together. It is about this gay guy from Austria who presents himself being uber gay which is very provocative and evokes high emotions. There are some really sick and explicit scenes in there that really grossed me out. And supposedly this is all real life and not staged, although in some scenes it is not really that convincing.
Anyway, if you are ready to shocked... watch this movie (don't watch it with your parents though...), it is amazing how someone can assume a role so consistently and convincing. Anyway, if you have seen it I am interested to finding out what you think...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

update on what's going on

Hey who ever it is that is reading this,

I just wanted to update on what is going on in my life here in Oman. Like a couple of months ago I am writing from the desert. I have spent the last couple of days in the Quarnalam area doing site visits with our General Manager and spending mainly our time talking to employees. Key element in the discussions with employees is that they want a raise in salary and that they are working to many hours a day; I don't blame them for it though. Every site that we visit also has some Food Safety issues (that is my job) that I need to take care of and I discuss them with the supervisors who most of the time are quite cooperative. Camp bosses, who are responsible for the camp from the client end, though tend to be less helpful. After making appointments and plans they don't normally follow up on it. Sometimes that is really frustrating but I am also learning to let go of things that I cannot control by myself.
So I go back and forth between being annoyed by how things go here and not really caring about it. It really is a good experience here in Oman, but I think I have written that before. Every day I know that from beginning and end my Father is in control and although I don't always feel that way I know that this is the Truth.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

HaCCP exam continued

Had the exam today. I just hate exams. Maybe it was that I just had not studied enough, or that I didn't really understood the material well enough (although I don't really believe that that is true) but taking that exam was the worst. I hate the time pressure and I have always had this problem with exams. I was always the person handing in the exam at the last moment. It is frustrating. It is a combination of confidence and peace of mind/heart that is lacking when I sit down and feeling this pressure. And when I read the questions my mind is just not triggered. I find it hard to connect with the text and I don't know how to change that. Not good. But anyhow, I don't need to have a perfect score. Each question should have at least a 50% mark and the over all papers (there were two) should be 60% to pass. We'll know in about two months.

Tomorrow we're planning to spend the afternoon on the beach with my team and have some fun. That will be sweet.

Love. Harmen

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

HACCP exam

Tomorrow I have an exam on HACCP (Level 4)... sounds pretty cool right. Anyway, I hope I will have the peace of mind to successfully complete the exam. Pray for me :-)

For the rest work is going better. After I came back from the States I figured not to worry too much about the work. I mean... come on, it's only work... So I am trying just to enjoy my life here. That is for me the best way to be able to be effective. Just enjoy it, then things will happen by itself (I don't know if this is actually true but it I guess how I think I (would like to) see things).

Talk to you later.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Jihad talk over Coffee

My Omani friend Saleh lives and studies in Salalah (South Oman) but was around for a couple of days in Muscat, so we went for coffee. At the Al Shattie (which means 'beach') Starbucks on the beach boulevard we sat down for coffee. Since they sell real Dutch Stroopwafels (Caramel Waffles) there I had to teach him how to eat them the best way: placing it on top of your steaming hot coffee for a minute, and when the waffle is soft and has absorbed the coffee flavour it tastes absolutely amazing. But anyway, we had an interesting conversation about the position of Jesus Christ in the Muslim religion and Saleh tried to explain to me what exactly the Jihad is. In addition to that I already knew that Muslims don't believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, I learned that Muslims believe that Jesus Christ is still alive and has not died and that he will come back to earth. According to Muslims he will eventually die though and that after that Judgement Day will come (although I don't know how long the time in between will be). I also asked about how God forgives, but I didn't really get a clear answer on that one. I guess I should have asked more about the role of 'sacrifice' in that regard. (So Saleh, if you read this... please fill me in...)
And then we talked about the Jihad. I thought that meant Holy War, but Saleh said that it didn't and now the "Real Source to all Knowledge" a.k.a. Wikipedia tells me it actually means 'Struggle'. The fact that I thought it meant Holy War probably says more about my own prejudices. And it just has a bad taste to it when I say it; 'Jihad'. It just has a bad connotation to it in my mind. It makes me think of suicide attacks and harming innocent people. Probably and apparently a pretty limited view. I wonder what it is based on...?
So Saleh and I talked about the Jihad in terms of the spread of Islam throughout the world and the different (not necessarily violent!) way of doing that. Jihad, another thing that I need to read more about in order to get a real and better understanding of what it means.
Anyone any comments?

Monday, January 11, 2010

USA and back in Oman

I returned to Oman the day before yesterday after having spend a wonderful two weeks in the USA. I spend time all over the country and visited my dear friends there. I first spend Christmas evening at my friend Katie in Connecticut, after having been held in immigration at the US border for an hour and a halve. Then on the 25th I flew to Chicago, to meet up with my friend Nick. That was sweet. I am always amazed by the hospitality that I experience when I visit friends in the States. People have been some welcoming. Anyway, after Chicago I went to the GMS reunion. How good it was to see my friends from the Summer in Vermont. Amazing to spend al this time with people that I had lived with for two months. Weird how normal everything was.
After the reunion I spent most my time with my dear friend Jason. And then when I headed to JFK he and Cassie drove my there. We crossed right through Manhattan, which was pretty amazing to do by car!

Now back in Oman. I have a purpose here. Graduation. I had kind of been putting that of in the months before I went to the USA. But now I will start working on it. But first I have the HACCP level 4 exam in a couple of days. Let's see how that will go.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I hate it

I hate it when you write something and then it disappears... I wrote a long story and now it shows that it is not on my blog.... bummer...

Love you all.
