Sunday, February 7, 2010

Parents are here

So my parents have arrived in Oman. They are here now and will be staying for two weeks. I drove them around yesterday to see some sites around Muscat. And today I went in the afternoon with Ahmed my colleague and friend driving them around outside of Muscat. It rained heavily today so there were many wadi's (flooded areas). It was fun driving around in the 4x4 through the water. And my parents seemed to really enjoy themselves. They are watching the hundreds of pictures that they took and right now. Haha, is it weird how the pictures sometimes seem to get more attention that the actual object at that particular time that you see it.

Like we live our lives recollecting the past while not really living in the present because we are so busy creating memories for the future... I don't know to which extend that really applies to anyone all the time...

Whatever. Love you all!


  1. That's exciting, I hope that you continue to have a fun and meaningful time with them!

    I drank my coffee with the Starbucks Oman mug this morning, somehow the coffee tasted better...

  2. plaats eens wat plaatjes ipv praatjes ;)

  3. Fijn dat je ouders er nu zijn.
    Ze hadden me al verteld dat ze naar jou toe gingen.
    groetjes vanuit een sneeuwwit Deventer

    Piet en Inge
    Allard, Robert, Wouter en Thomas

  4. dear harmen, enjouying the moment is also enjoying taking pictures. That is part of the moment.For me it is an expression of my joy of that moment. A small add to your observations and thaughts about taking pictures hinke
